To Install any legacy Video Driver like intel 82845G
- Download the driver for previos OS (Window XP)
- UnZip it.
- Go to Device Manger. If there is already 82845G Display adapter, then uninstall it.
- Click on "Action"..."Add Legacy Hardware"
- Select "Display adapters". Click on the "Next" button.
- Click on the "Have Disk..." button and then the "Browse" button.
- Enter the directory where you unzipped the file you downloaded, and then enter the "Win2000" subdirectory. Highlight the "ialmnt5.INF" file. Click on the "Open" button.
- Click on the "OK" button. A window listing all of the available display types should open. Select the display adapter that your system contains and then click on the "Next" button.
- Click on the "Next" button. The operating system will install the driver. Click on the "Finish" button when done.
- Click on the "Close" button and then click on the "Yes" button to reboot. The driver should now be loaded.